World Penguin Day

· Animal Team
The penguins, known as cute pets in the animal world, have quirky little heads, a slightly nerdy walk, and a chubby, dumb appearance that makes people fall in love.
These naturally adorable penguins have many interesting stories to tell. On World Penguin Day, let's take a closer look at the world of penguins and uncover some fascinating facts about them!
Although penguins are usually seen in black and white, with black backs and white chests and bellies, there are currently 18 species of penguins in existence worldwide, and the color of their coats varies from species to species. The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin family, reaching heights of over 90 cm and weighing up to 120 kg. It also inhabits the highest latitudes and coldest regions of Antarctica.
The penguin's morphology is characterized by an orange-yellow feather at the base of the neck, which gradually fades downward, with the darkest shade behind the ears, giving it a luxurious appearance. Adelie penguins have white eye rings, blue-green heads, and black beaks with long, thin feathers at the corners. They are highly skilled swimmers, capable of reaching speeds of up to 70 kilometers per hour.
The Little Blue Penguin, found in South Australia, New Zealand, and Chile, is the smallest species in the penguin family, measuring generally 43 cm in height and weighing about 1 kg, with males being slightly larger than females. The little blue penguin has blue plumage and is the only penguin with blue feathers, making it highly recognizable.
Penguins are among the oldest birds capable of swimming. They may have made their home in Antarctica before the Earth was covered in ice. Antarctica boasts vast land masses, wide oceans, and abundant planktonic salt glands for excreting excess salt. Penguins' eyes can see both underwater and above water because their corneas are flat, allowing images to be transmitted to the brain for tele-imaging integration, thus enabling tele-imaging capabilities.
Penguins can do more than just walk. They prefer to "glide" on smoother ice and snow. Their streamlined bodies provide ideal gliding conditions, aided by smooth down that reduces drag, fin-like limbs that aid balance, and sharp claws that provide forward momentum. Penguins can be considered masters of "gliding." When faced with rocky terrain that is difficult to walk or glide on, penguins will also leap over rugged mountainous terrain, their chubby bodies displaying remarkable flexibility and cuteness.
Why is World Penguin Day celebrated on April 25? There's an intriguing story behind it. It is said that on April 25 each year, Adelie penguins migrate en masse from south to north to have better access to food during the winter when the sea ice expands and to wait for their return to nest on the coastal beaches of Antarctica in the summer, year after year.
To commemorate this phenomenon, penguin enthusiasts have designated April 25 each year as World Penguin Day to raise awareness about the environmental threats penguins face today and to encourage people to protect them.