Skiing Safely
Chandan Singh
| 08-10-2023

· Sport Team
Skiing is a popular winter sport, but newcomers often find themselves tumbling when skiing.
How can you prevent injuries from these falls? Here are some simple steps to follow:
1. Mind Your Falling Posture
Learning the correct way to fall can significantly reduce injuries. When you take a tumble, don't struggle too much. Instead, try to lower your center of gravity towards the left or right rear to sit down.
Once your buttocks touch the snow, use the snowboard's steel edge to create resistance and stop it from sliding. Remember, avoid sitting squarely on your backside as it's often not a comfortable angle. Additionally, raise your hands, bend over, and slide down naturally.
This approach will prevent your head from taking a hit and, more importantly, reduce the risk of rolling over.
2. Helmets Are a Must
The most crucial safety measure is wearing a helmet while skiing. Shockingly, 44% of skiing-related head injuries occur because people neglect to wear helmets.
This applies doubly to children, as they have a higher head-to-body ratio, making them more susceptible to head injuries during a fall.
3. Choose the Right Boots
Your ski boots should fit snugly but not too tightly, as overly loose or tight boots can lead to ankle injuries.
4. Warm Up Before Hitting the Slopes
Before embarking on your skiing adventure, be sure to warm up. These pre-ski exercises will help improve your balance and reduce strain on your lower limbs. Avoid skiing directly without preparation.
Most ski resorts provide informational videos about ski safety that beginners should take a few minutes to watch, at least to learn the correct way to fall.
5. Stay Active
Engage in regular neck, back, and abdominal exercises to improve your strength and control your weight.
6. Don't Move After an Injury
In case of a collision with a tree or protective net while skiing, refrain from forcing yourself to get up. Rescuers should also avoid moving the injured person unnecessarily, as this could cause further harm.
Ideally, three people should work together to place the injured person on a rigid stretcher to minimize head movement. Avoid using a soft stretcher to prevent secondary injuries and transport the injured individual promptly to a first aid station or hospital.
Skiing Tips:
1. Protective Gear in Skiing: Beginners should wear soft protective gear for the knees and buttocks.
2. Seek Professional Guidance for Beginners: In the early stages of learning, beginners should seek guidance from professionals.
If you lose control and fall, quickly raise your hands and arms, lower your center of gravity, bend backward, and sit down to avoid head-first falls and more severe injuries.
3. Skiing is a High-Intensity Sport: Skiing is a high-intensity sport, so it's important to assess your cardiorespiratory fitness before hitting the slopes.
Skiers who are older, have poor cardiorespiratory function, or lack physical endurance should adhere to the principle of "know your limits" and progress gradually.
4. Preexisting Conditions: Individuals with osteoporosis or joint diseases should avoid participating in skiing activities.